Complaints Policy

The Cellar Trust is dedicated to providing the best quality service for all our clients. We also want to ensure all our customers, donors and anyone coming into contact with our organisation have a great experience. As part of this commitment we take the views of our clients and customers very seriously and welcome any feedback whether it is positive or whether it is to express dissatisfaction with the service or organisation.

The Cellar Trust has a complaints procedure designed to deal with your complaint quickly and efficiently. We hope to deal with most queries at the time they arise and with the person concerned. We will sometimes have to investigate a complaint and will try to deal with your complaint within stated guidelines from The Cellar Trust Complaints Policy. This is available below or on request from any member of staff or by phoning 01274 586 474.

There are a number of options open to you depending on the nature of those concerns. In the first instance you should speak directly to your worker if applicable or any other member of staff to let them know your concerns and what you would like to see changed. They will then advise you of the next stage. Please refer to the Complaints Policy for further details. If you are worried about talking to a worker, or have already spoken to them and you are still unhappy with the situation, you should ask to talk to a manager. If you feel that the situation remains unresolved then we invite you to submit a formal complaint in writing, using our Complaints Form.

Please follow the links below or ask any member of staff for a copy of our Complaints Policy and Form.


Complaints Policy

Complaints Form


Our commitment to you

The Cellar Trust takes all complaints very seriously

  • We will deal with them effectively and efficiently
  • We will keep you informed about what is happening to your complaint
  • We will take action where we think it is necessary