Our strategy and values

Our vision

Our vision is to provide high-quality mental health support for people in the right place at the right time.

Our mission

Our mission is to work with partners to give people struggling with their mental health the support they need, so that they can live positively and independently, and build their own brighter future.

Our Strategic Principles

  • We will reach more people and make it as easy as we can for people to access our services
  • We will champion lived expertise and peer support
  • We will use our expertise to influence mental health services, policy and strategy

Our Strategic Goals

  • We will improve, develop and expand our support for people on their journey into employment
  • We will deliver personalised support for people in emotional distress
  • We will develop a psychological therapies within The Cellar Trust
  • We will continue to develop as a thriving, sustainable and impactful organisation

Our values

We are a values driven organisation; our values underpin everything that we do. They are about ‘how’ we do things and guide our behaviours and decisions. Our values are:

  • Respect

    • We are all different but equal
    • We value and respect each other
    • We will not tolerate discrimination or stigmatisation
  • Partnership

    • We believe in great team work
    • We believe in working partnership whether that is with an individual, team, within the organisation or with other organisations
    • We are passionate about integrated services which bring together different organisations, skills and strengths
  • Hope

    • We believe in individuals
    • We don’t give up
    • We believe in brighter futures for all
  • Continuous Improvement

    • We build on strengths and believe things can always be better
    • We promote independence
    • We are relentless in our quest
  • Dedication

    • We are passionate about our work and go the extra mile
    • We are committed to what we do and how we do it