As part of the Pathways to Employment service, you will be able to work with our Partnership Engagement Officer to explore opportunities for work placements, work trials and paid work opportunities.

“My worker was supportive, understanding, compassionate and empathetic. I felt comfortable speaking with my worker and had regular and consistent contact with them. I was given opportunities including accessing self development groups, peer support, skills for coping in adversity and Level 3 Peer support training.”

“I am now volunteering.”

The Pathways to Employment Team are here to help people dream of a brighter future, develop their goals and work on a plan of how to achieve their goals. Whether that involves developing new skills, undertaking new qualifications, gaining some work experience for their CV, or exploring a new career choice – we are here to help. Community based appointments are available.

This service is for people aged 16 and over, who are out of work with mild to severe, and/or enduring mental health difficulties who want to work towards a specific goal such as education, training, voluntary or paid work.

It is available to people who live in Bradford, Airedale, Wharfedale and Craven.

Download our leaflet

Pathways leaflet cover

One-to-one coaching and  progress reviews

Access to our online training platform

Action planning and goal setting

Wellness planning

Access to our Work Retention Service

Self Development Workshops

Employment Workshops 

1:1 Career exploration & interview preparation

Access to peer support groups

Working for us pic


If you meet the criteria and want to access the service you can contact your work coach at Jobcentre Plus or contact us directly:


Phone: 01274 588002

Click Here For Further Referral Information

Commissioned by:


In partnership with the NHS